Kennelly Constructions is a leading Indigenous Business Company working across Australia on projects large and small, providing opportunities for Indigenous Australians.
Using an Integrated Management System we ensure that processes are actively implemented across all levels of Kennelly Constructions in order to meet our objectives.
We pride ourselves in giving back to our communities through programs and sponsorships.
We employ the best management systems to ensure that ever job is produced with sustainability as key values to the success of the work we do.
We take OH&S seriously and have continued to provide safe working environments for all our employees and sub- contractors as evident by being Lost Time Injury free for more than 10 years.
Kennelly Constructions, established in 2010, is a leading Aboriginal contractor providing a wide range of services in civil, electrical, building and maintenance support across all levels of government and the private sector. We have extensive experience in Defence infrastructure, road infrastructure, rail infrastructure, renewable energy, mining and oil and gas.
Our aim is to be an Aboriginal business of choice whether you are an employee, supplier or a customer. Using the family values which are fundamental to our culture, we have established long term relationships and connections to ensure that we successfully delivery our projects safely, on time, on budget and exceed our customer expectations.
The CCF Earth Awards celebrates excellence in Civil Construction and was awarded to Kennelly Constructions for the work completed on the Wagait Tip Remediation Project.
RAAF Base Tindal has an extensive 11 kV distribution network comprising of 11kV switchboards, underground cabling and over fifty 11 kV ring main units (RMUs)….
Design and construction of a new facility in an existing compound directly adjacent to Building 504. The following elements included, vehicle shelters and…
Bulk earthworks to construct large building pad. Works included, clearing and grubbing development of borrow [its to produce general fill and pavement gravels…