Investing in Our Communities

We pride ourselves in investing in the communities that we work and play.

Kennelly Constructions is committed to implementing community service programs that make a positive contribution to the Communities we work in

The founders of the business are proud Bundjalung Men. We understand the importance of adhering to cultural protocols. Our people respect the customs of all communities we work in.

We also know that the success of our business relies on relationships and the participation of suppliers and community groups from the areas we work in. We believe in harnessing the energy and capabilities of the communities we are working in. We are committed to employing locally and sourcing local suppliers.

Products and services are sourced locally, wherever possible, to ensure that we deliver lasting benefits to the communities. We also ensure we mitigate and reduce our impacts on the community and the environment across all areas we operate.

We are also committed to supporting local initiatives and charities. We sponsor local sporting teams and are actively involved in community groups.

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Contact Us

Lot 2 Chevallum Rd, Forest Glen QLD 4556 Australia